EC - Agenda & Minutes / ई.सी. - जेंडा और मिनट

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    कुल अभिलेख प्राप्त / Total Records Found:- 5

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    Link for Minute
    1. ECShri Heera Lal Samariya25-06-2018941Confirmation of minutes of the 93rd meeting of the Executive Committee, CBT (EPF) held on 24.05.2018.Click HereClick Here
    2. ECShri Heera Lal Samariya25-06-2018942Action Taken Statement in respect of decisions taken in the EC meetings held upto 24.05.2018 (93rd ECMeeting).Click HereClick Here
    3. ECShri Heera Lal Samariya25-06-2018943Audited Annual Account in respect of Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme, 1952, Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995 and Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme, 1976 for the financial year 2016‐17.Click HereClick Here
    4. ECShri Heera Lal Samariya25-06-2018944Proposal for extension for 3 months of existing contract for hiring of outsourced Technical manpower through NICSI for software development, testing, maintenance of existing application software, UAN Data Management of Unified Portal and other new software developments activities in EPFO.Click HereClick Here
    5. ECShri Heera Lal Samariya25-06-2018945Allotment of Land for construction of office building of EPFO at Regional Office, Bhagalpur.Click HereClick Here

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