National Emblem
EDLI Calculator Input
मृत्यु की तिथि/Date of Death :
Please enter a valid input.
Date of Death is required. For Calculator to work, the date should be between 01-04-2011 and Today's Date
Average Progressive Balance:
Average Progressive Balance is required. For Calculator to work, The average progressive balance should be entered
Average Wages in preceding 12 Months (max:{{b_ceiling}}):
Average Progressive Balance. For Part B calculation of EDLI benefit, average wage amount is needed. The amount should be less than wage ceiling.
आउटपुट/EDLI Calculator Output : Date of Death: {{dod | date:'dd-MM-yyyy'}}
  • Part A Calculation What are these parts?
  • भाग ए के अधीन लाभ/Benefit under Part A: {{}}
  • भाग बी के अधीन लाभ/Benefit under Part B: {{}}
  • Part B Calculation
  • Part B if Continuous service condition not satisfied or if Date of Death is before 08-01-2011: 0
  • अंतिम लाभ (ए या बी में से बहतर)/Final Benefit (Greater of A or B): {{final}}